Avatar Showcase
Maple the Hobkin
This is Maple, my first VR avatar project and has been ongoing as I learn more. Thanks to this project, I've learned the entire asset pipeline from Blender to Unity.
I've created numerous models, animations, materials and shaders for my own use, always challenging my abilities and pushing further into what the limits of VR are.
This is the avatar I use most, as I've tailored the armature to perfectly match my own IRL body proportions. This makes the IK behave best for me when using both three point tracking as well as full-body tracking utilizing 10pt SlimeVR Trackers.
Abilities I've given this avatar include sound cues, hypnotic assistance tools, screen shader effects, item toggles, material swaps, custom shaders and live runtime parameter adjustments. There's far too much stuffed in to properly explain through text.
Chrome's Kyullin
This is another ongoing project for one of my friends. I use this project to test a balance of composition vs user desires: Chrome loves bright psychedelic colors but it's very easy to overshoot the goal straight to rainbow vomit.
This challenge has been a long design process, but the results speak for themselves.