

Thanks for stopping by! At the moment, not much is here, but coming soon!

In the works:

For now, here's some Digital Illustrations I've done over the past few years.

About me: I'm Maple, a non-binary artist trying my best to uplift those around me with positivity and awareness. I've always had a passion for creation and this currently manifests by helping those with alternative form needs feel at home in VR.

I have a broad experience with game design and asset creation. I know the pipeline from making an original asset in Blender all the way to finished product in Unity/VR. Currently learning Substance Painter to accentuate the quality of this endeavor.

Other hobbies of mine includes wrenching on cars, running Lead Paw Racing, applied hands-on hypnotic psychology concepts, building computers and annoying friends to drink water.

Currently stuck in the River Region of Alabama. Please help me leave this state <3